Live chat is a simple and a new way to interact with your visitors at the website. It is used for the prospective customers to help them with their buying decisions and even for your current customers who require any support with a product that they have already purchased.
Live chat is now not only a piece of cake for the big players. Its implementation is too simple and economic, hence the benefits of live chat are also enjoyed by the small businesses as they have also realized the added benefits live support can bring to their websites.
Live chat also saves you from hiring agencies or companies to gather your customers feedback. It provides you with the instant feedback of your visitors and customers. The agents themselves can inquire the customers for their feedback on the services and the products. The customers can also offer them suggestions and this makes the customers feel valued and they too, keep coming back for more.

The live chat also provides with chat history. This basically lets your agent spy on your website visitor. The chat agent can monitor the visitor as to which pages he is surfing, for how long has he been on a particular page and what has guided him towards your website. This will land you with information as to what the visitor is interested in or what he is looking for. It will also save your and the visitors precious time as he does not require to repeat the entire process of what brought him to your website.
You may appear like a superhero casting an incredible experience on the visitor by being equipped with the answers before he shoots his questions!
For live chat contact us