Here’s how live chat increases website conversion

Live chat for increased conversions

For all the businesses worldwide live chat is undoubtedly an untapped potential. Live chat can help customers get all their queries resolved in real time. It further helps in maximizing the conversions. What makes us say that? Well, read on to know the reasons that will convince you about its capability of boosting the conversion rate for a business or website.

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Here’s how you can build customer loyalty using live chat

Live chat to boost ustomer loyalty

As a matter of fact, a live chat window on a website is a window into the respective company. It is the most convenient place for the customers to share their concerns. As far as the companies are concerned, every such communication is a golden opportunity to gain loyal customers. Didn’t get it? Read on to know how live chat can help achieve customer loyalty:

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Here’s what your customers actually want from you


According to a research, more than the quality of a product or service or brand name it’s the customer service that drives the sales for a business. Also, in order to deliver just what the customers want, it’s very important to study their interests, preferences, likes, and dislikes. Customer expectations today, are very high. Let’s have a look at what all they want from a business:

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What all makes your customers feel valued?

Valuing your customers

Customers love it when they are valued and the businesses that realize this strive their best to go above and beyond to make them feel so. Customer satisfaction today doesn’t just depend upon the quality of product or service. The efforts that a company makes to make its customers feel important to provide several other fruitful outcomes like customer loyalty, WOM, boosted brand recognition and a lot more. Want to know how it can be done? Read on to know:

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Avail all the hidden opportunities with proactive chat!

Proactive chat

Do you know that you miss out on a lot of opportunities just because not all of the visitors on your site are willing to engage? Passive visitors are the ones who rather prefer being engaged turn out to be the reasons for missed sales opportunities. Proactive chat lets you identify these potential customers and increase the chances of conversion for your website. Apart from this, there’s a lot that proactive chat can do for you. Read on to know:

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All that you should not be doing during a proactive chat

Proactive chat

As a matter of fact, not all the website visitors like to engage. They rather like to be engaged. That’s where a proactive chat steps in. These chat invitations facilitate customer engagement so that you do not miss out on any opportunity of conversion. However, proactive chat can be beneficial only if you use it in an appropriate manner. There are certain mistakes that if committed can actually have a negative impact on your visitors. Read on to know what they are:

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Top 5 tools that help businesses reduce cart abandonment

Cart abandonment

As a matter of fact, cart abandonment is something that eCommerce site owners fear the most. It is no less than a nightmare for them. The reasons for cart abandonment may vary from a normal sign up form to expensive shipping. Whatever the reason be, cart abandonment can be a hindrance to a business’s success. A number of tools, software, and plugins have been developed to eliminate cart abandonment. Here’s a list of the best ones:

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6 Strategies to boost the productivity of your customer support team

Customer support

The success of any business can be measured in the terms of its workers’ productivity. Higher the productivity, more successful is the business. When it comes to the customer support team, their productivity directly relates to the customer satisfaction levels which further points towards the success of a business. So, it’s imperative that special attention is paid to the productivity of the customer support team. Here are the best strategies to improve the support team’s productivity.

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4 Hacks to turn customer complaints into blessings

Customer complaints

“We love complaints!”, said no business ever! Customer complaints are rather taken as disappointments that tend to render all customer service efforts futile. But as they say- “Every coin has two sides.” Same is the case with customer complaints. Though they bring you down at the same time they help you identify and improve the weak areas in your business and customer service. All that you require seeing the positive side of these complaints is a positive attitude. Have a look at the best hacks that help extract positive results from them:

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What infuriates your customers the most?

Unhappy customers

Unhappy customers may directly or indirectly mean high bounce rates, bad company reputation, declined sales, deflated profits and much more. Even if you do your best to gain customer satisfaction, there are certain pitfalls that might lead to customer dissatisfaction. So, it is necessary to be aware of how your customer service efforts are performing. Let’s have a look at the most common reasons that you do not realize can make your customers unhappy.

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5 Best solutions to boost customers satisfaction level

Customer satisfaction

It’s not the quality of your products that matter the most to your customers. It’s not even the variety that is the first thing that impresses your customers. Wondering what can it actually be? Well, it’s the type of service that you provide to your customers. It’s the experience that they have with your business or company that decides whether they’ll return or abandon your site forever. So, wisdom lies in working towards increasing customer satisfaction way before anything else. You can employ a number of strategies for this or you may make a smarter move and use the following tools so as to boost customer satisfaction levels.

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Top tips to increase your net promoter score ( NPS )


NPS or Net Promoter Score is a relationship survey that enables you to understand whether your customers would recommend you to others. It is of high significance for your business as it lets you know where actually you stand when it comes to your business’s success. NPS score actually lets you measure customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and a lot more. Therefore, working towards its improvement can actually help your business stand out from the crowd.

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Influencer marketing: Know how it benefits your brand

Influencer marketing

It is a known fact that influencer marketing is mainly focused on key individuals rather than the target audience or potential customers. It is all about identifying the individuals that have influence over potential buyers and orienting marketing activities around these individuals. In other words, this type of marketing is like personifying your brand where the influencers have a personal relationship with their audience. Leveraging this form of marketing for your brand can benefit your business in a number of ways:

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Brand awareness: 5 Killer ways of gaining greater business exposure

Brand Awareness Marketing Concept

What is the main objective of creating a brand and carrying out related campaigns? The answer is simple: to enable your target audience to recognize and remember your products easily, build trust, strengthen customer relationships and eventually boost up the sales like never before. When it comes to brand promotional campaigns and the promoting media, you need to be wise enough to know what works the best. Here’s a list of the best ways can help gain brand awareness to a larger extent:

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That’s how SMS marketing campaigns benefit a small business

SMS marketing for business

When it comes to small businesses, SMS marketing is the most cost-effective way to increase sales especially in a marketing environment dominated by big business. This is because of its immediacy as it is a form of direct marketing. It works wonder for your business, from retaining the present customers to acquiring new ones, it has the potential to do it all. Read on to know what all it can do for your business.

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Here’s how augmented reality can benefit your business

Augmented reality

Augmented reality refers to the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. This technology uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. Businesses, irrespective of their size can leverage AR to provide exceptional customer experience and differentiate themselves from their competitors. Have a look at the various benefits of AR:

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