Here’s all that an outsourced live chat service can do for your business

Outsourced live chat

Why should you even opt for an outsourced live chat support?

Well, an online chat support that you offer to all your present and potential customers undoubtedly guides them through the purchase cycle. But is it really that cost-effective and delivers 100% results towards lead generation?

Your answer may probably be a ‘No’ or ‘Sometimes’, isn’t it?

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Customer experience strategy: Unrivalled tips to create a successful one!

Customer experience

Cultivating an exceptional customer experience for your customers is as important as delivering a great service in today’s era! An impeccable customer service alone cannot meet the ever-increasing expectations of today’s customers. Here are the best ways to create a great customer experience strategy that helps retain your customers and build a loyal customer base.

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Self service customer support: The lesser known benefits of this amazing tool

Self service support

Whether you believe it or not, it’s human nature to take the path of least resistance. We just want all our tasks to be accomplished in the shortest possible time and that too with least efforts. That’s what self-service customer support helps with.

As customers, we just want our queries to be resolved as soon as possible. We want to be empowered so that we are able to solve all our problems by ourselves. Self-service support is a way that the businesses, especially the smaller ones choose to do just what the customers require. Apart from empowering the customers and increasing the agents’ productivity, there’s a lot a self-service support can do. Read on to know.

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How customer relationship is directly proportional to content marketing

Content marketing for customer relationship

For any business, no matter what scale, it’s mandatory to build a strong customer relationship with each and every customer it’s serving. The reason? Well, it’s because of and for the customers that a business exists. So, it’s imperative that the businesses strive hard to woo their customers and build strong and long-term relationships.

Of all the tried and tested strategies, content marketing is one of the most effective ways of developing a strong relationship. Here’s how:

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How to create a feedback form that really helps improve customer service

Feedback form

Working as a part of the customer support team, you must have often heard- Customer feedback matters! Well, it’s absolutely true and the best way to know what customers feel about your business is a feedback form!

Whether your customers choose to fill your feedback form or abandon it depends upon the way it’s crafted. It totally depends upon the usability of your feedback form.

If you want to know how you can craft an effective feedback form, read on.

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Customer support trends: What’s hot and what’s not for the coming year!

Customer support trends 2018

Customer support trends undergo evolution with each passing year. Just like we saw live chat, artificial intelligence, chatbots and other such amazing advents transforming the customer support industry, several other trends will continue to enhance customer experience.

Here is a rundown of the latest customer support trends that will help keep your customers and target audience smiling in the coming year!

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Customer experience: The best tips to ramp it up for your eCommerce

Ecommerce customer experience

What’s your idea of an exceptional eCommerce customer experience? A well-designed website, easy navigation, killer content, easy checkout process and stuff?

Well, there’s much more that affects customer experience today. The eCommerce customers today are smarter than ever and highly impatient. Businesses have to strive hard to impress them as their success is no more ruled by just the product and service quality.

It’s the customer experience that plays a major role in deciding the customers’ perspective of a business today. Here’s all that helps enhance the experience and place the business in a win-win situation.

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Mobile e-commerce: Elements that you just can’t miss out on at any cost!

Mobile e-commerce

There was a time when e-commerce boomed into our lives and transformed everything. Shopping for just about everything that too from the comfort of our home became so much easy. Adding up to the convenience came in mobile e-commerce which is an evolution of traditional e-commerce such that it can be accessed using handheld devices.

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Best tips to protect your brand from the wrath of angry social media users!

Tips to protect brand reputation

There’s an age-old saying- Prevention is better than cure! This is absolutely true in case of a brand or a business today!

What makes us say that?

Well! No matter what scale or size a business is, no matter how great it’s products or services are, it has to face the wrath of angry social media users at some point or the other. Bad comments, negative reviews, defaming WOM is almost inevitable.

Though customer complaints are inevitable the way a brand or a business responds to them is what saves its reputation. Read on to know the best ways to respond and protect your brand:

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24/7 live chat assistance: Lesser known benefits of the amazing service!

24/7 Live chat for business

You’ve probably heard about the benefits that a 24/7 live chat assistance offers to your website and business, isn’t it? You may have heard that it helps engage website visitors, convert them into customers, grow your business, boost sales and probably keep the customers coming back.

What if we say that’s not all?

What if we say there are a number of benefits that you are not yet aware of?

Don’t believe us? Read on.

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Here’s how live chat amazingly skyrockets all your marketing endeavors!

Live chat for marketing

Live chat is more than a support on your business website.

It’s more than a digital equivalent of your physical shop assistant.

So far, you’ve heard that a live chat assistance helps in customer query resolution, boosts sales and profits, increases customer retention and stuff.

Well! that’s not the end of the story. Here’s something more to it. Here’s how a power packed live chat tool can help boost your marketing endeavors like never before!

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Here’s how a live chat support benefits your online pharmaceutical store

Live chat for online pharmacy

So, you run an online pharmaceutical store?

Yes? Great!

What do you do to differentiate yourself from your competitors?

How do you manage the legitimacy and credibility of your website?

How do you ensure your customers’ satisfaction?

Is your website a high conversion one? No?

Well! What if we tell you, you can get all that you may be missing out on with just a single live chat tool on your website? Not convinced? Read on.

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Live chat for automotive business: The benefits you are missing out on!

Live chat for automotive business

Being a modern day automotive business owner you’ve probably got a well-designed and fully optimized website. But wait a sec! Does your website offer a live chat service?


Well! In that case, you are missing out on a number of prospects, sales and business growth opportunities. If you’ve not yet considered a live chat service on your live site, here’s all you need to know and act upon!

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Cross selling using live chat: Killer tips to leverage the best support tool!

Cross selling using live chat

Cross-selling refers to the practice of suggesting similar or complementary products or services to an existing customer during the buying process. The sole purpose is maximizing the revenue. Since this era is a digital one, you’ll find almost all the businesses online. This further means that most of them practice cross-selling online. There are a number of ways to do so. One of the most effective methods is cross-selling using live chat.

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Live chat trends: Know the hottest ones that successful businesses use!

Live chat trends

Are you aware of the latest live chat trends? 

If not, you’ve landed up at the right place.

Though live chat is one of the customer service tools, it has successfully established itself as a powerful entity in the entire scenario. The amazing tool has empowered a number of businesses and helped them grow rapidly. The already powerful trend has become more efficient with the latest advancements. Let’s have a look at the hottest trends in a live chat service this year:

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Know how online cosmetics companies enhance their customer experience

Cosmetics companies enhance customer experience

The whole world is online. So is the cosmetics industry! Reason? Every business that wants to be successful in today’s era, employs a customer-centric approach. Higher the level of customer satisfaction, the more successful is the business and the only way of doing that is enhancing the customer experience.

Here’s a list of the best practices from the most successful online cosmetics companies:

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Here’s how your inbound marketing endeavors get a boost with live chat!

Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is all about garnering the attention of the website visitors through content creation. That’s done through quality and informative niche-specific content before they even think of availing a business’s services.

The inbound marketers today are well aware of the fact that there’s an abundance of information. They also know that there’s a lack of attention and patience. That’s what encourages them to intensify their marketing endeavors.

As a matter of fact, of all the methods employed in making the most out of inbound marketing, live chat remains an unrivaled one.

Wondering what makes us say that? Read on.

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