What is live chat support?

Live chat is somewhat a new way to communicate with your website visitors. Basically the visitors, initiates the chat request by clicking the powerful icon at the website. It is used for the prospective customers to help them with their buying decision and even for the people who are your current customers who may be needing help with a product that they have already purchased. Continue reading “What is live chat support?”

Live chat – The ultimate customer service!

Today the expectations of the customer services have touched new heights. It has become a real challenge to meet the demands of the customers as today the customers want support on demand. Providing support via email and phone have become the default standards for most companies and it has become relevant to differentiate your business and customer support and also important to give your customers access to on-demand support. Continue reading “Live chat – The ultimate customer service!”

Live chat offers immediate solutions

Today one of the main reason to implement a live chat program is the on demand nature of the web. Your potential customers or prospects are seldom going to make a all or draft an email to the company with their concern. This is because they just do not want their personal information to be tagged to some email list that’s going to continually pitch them to buy products. Continue reading “Live chat offers immediate solutions”