Customers love live chat

In the digital era, business are engaging more and more customers through online channels. The demand of the market for the businesses is to provide full support to its online customers and enhance their online customer experience.

With the traditional supports like phone, email and self service, live chat is also a great tool for online customer support and it adds to happier customers, increased conversions and a marked reduction in the service costs. Continue reading “Customers love live chat”

Create an engaging experience for your existing and potential customers with live chat.

Live chat is a platform which makes it possible for your customers to get in touch with your chat agents. Live chat not only allows you to chat but even to transfer files. Live chat, no doubts benefits your business in many ways as compared to email phone support and various other communication platforms. Continue reading “Create an engaging experience for your existing and potential customers with live chat.”

What additional features do live chat tools offer? – Part II

Live chat is admired due to two main reasons, no hold time and convenience. These two aspects have created a penchant for live chat. Live chat, has no doubt become a new way to interact with your website visitors. The visitors find it very comfortable as with just a click of button they are able to get their concerns answered. Continue reading “What additional features do live chat tools offer? – Part II”

What additional feature do live chat support tools offer? – Part I

Adding live chat at your website has not been that simple always. Even a few years before, having live chat at your site meant that you had to install the software on your own server and have to really lighten your pockets to maintain the system. The bottom line – live support was simply a fantasy for most of the small and medium scale enterprises. Continue reading “What additional feature do live chat support tools offer? – Part I”