One of the vital reason for implementing live chat at your website is the on-demand nature of the web. There are prospects that will seldom make a call or draft an email to your company with their queries. Continue reading “Live chat gives you immediate solution.”
Live chat gathers important data
There is nothing as important as too much data. Live chat leverages you with an additional layer of data to your existing tracking and attribution tools. Continue reading “Live chat gathers important data”
Live chat and the consumers expectations
Today the expectations of the client for customer support has reached heights. Having the traditional customer support like phone and the email have become the default standards for most of the companies. And if you want to differentiate your business and improve the customer experience then it is a must for you to give our customers access to on demand support. Continue reading “Live chat and the consumers expectations”
Live chat marks reduced service costs
If your business is using live chat, they are sure to witness an overall decrease in the service costs in supporting online customers. Live chat as we all are aware, products immediate responses to the queries of the customers and satiates the customers. The customers are thus delighted to use live chat. Continue reading “Live chat marks reduced service costs”
What are the advantages of having live chat on your website?
Incorporating live chat at your website increases your sales and conversions. With live chat you are able to answer the queries and the concerns of your customer right at the moment, and this helps in increasing conversions and sales. With a recent study it was seen that the chat increases conversions round about to 20 percent. Continue reading “What are the advantages of having live chat on your website?”
Customers love live chat
Live chat has not only become the leading method for providing the best online customer support but also it yields the highest satisfaction rates among the customers. Continue reading “Customers love live chat”
Benefits of live chat!
You must have witnessed the little chat box at the websites frequently. Live chat has a real lot potential for B2B and B2C companies that are marketing their products and services on the web. In todays competitive scenario being able to answer your customer questions and answers in real time is the best thing a business can offer. Continue reading “Benefits of live chat!”
Live chat is convenient for customers.
Live chat is there at you website to provide instant response to your customer queries. It leaves your customer satisfied and happy. Continue reading “Live chat is convenient for customers.”
How to increase sales using live chat?
When you offer a live chat option at your site, it provides loads of new leads that can increase sales by 30 percent. And the biggest amazing factor is that you do not require to spend a single penny for it. Isn’t it great? Continue reading “How to increase sales using live chat?”
Live chat to increase sales conversions
There is an excellent way for the small customers to compete with big players in the market and that exceptional way is excellent customer service. Before online shopping came into existence, the advantage that small business had over the big box stores was that they treated customers like people rather than numbers, and delivering great expertise in their market. Continue reading “Live chat to increase sales conversions”
Live chat is the best practice!
According to a recent report, it has been witnessed that there is a significant growth of live chat across the US and UK and there are more than 65% of American online shoppers who have been engaged in live chat than as compared to 50.4% in the previous years. However the statistics is a bit low in UK but is still on hike! Continue reading “Live chat is the best practice!”
Live chat increases website revenues.
Just having live chat support at your website as a customer support channel reduce the customer service response time and also enhances the customer satisfaction. There are majority of businesses that are failing to efficiently use their website to provide relevant information to their potential customers. Continue reading “Live chat increases website revenues.”
What is live chat?
Live chat refers to a platform that is present on your website and is to communicate with the site visitors. Live chat enables you to chat with the operators on the host website. A live chat button is always there on your website and the visitor can access the customer support agent with just a click on the powerful widget. Continue reading “What is live chat?”
Benefits of live chat – Part II
Increases sales
Live chat provides instant response to the customer queries.There are many certified studies that stresses the fact that live chat can help an increase in sales.
An American Marketing Association study reveals that live chat helps to increase the conversion rates by 20% and even the typical ROI for sales team has also enhanced to about 300%. This just emphasizes that the customers who are engaged by live chat agent are more likely to make purchase than those who don’t.
These numbers, itself reveals that live chat is effective and it has been true because of a number of reasons.
Live chat is all there at your website to provide your visitors with instant responses. Live chat gives your visitors opportunity to get in touch with your support staff and sales team. The very same is applicable for your customer support representatives also and even your customer representatives have more chances to turn these visitors into paying customers or clients.
Improved customer service and loyalty
Now consider the eDigital Customer Service Benchmark survey conducted on 2000 consumers, which will land you with a clear perception as to why your customers appreciate live chat. It was found that live chat had the highest customer satisfaction level at 73% as compared to 61% foe email support and only 44% for traditional phone support.
With such statistics, it is very clear why the customers return to those businesses which provide live chat. The customer cherish to do business with companies that make customer support easy, hassle free and on the spot that is instantaneous.
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Benefits of live chat – Part I
Live chat is a platform that lets your visitors chat with your help desk at the website or in other words it enables you to chat with visitors of your website. Live chat also allows you to transfer files. And it also benefits your business when compared to email, phone support, instant messenger and a lot more other communication platforms. Continue reading “Benefits of live chat – Part I”
Live chat – Business benefits?
Live chat comes with both, benefits for the user and the brand too. For the business, live chat provides a simple yet very effective direct communication method present, very much there at your website and available to the customer when ever they require. Continue reading “Live chat – Business benefits?”
Live chat : Right place, right time customer service.
Live chat is the ultimate customer service support tool. It provides the customers with the instant responses to all their concerns and queries, which are making them reluctant to click the ‘buy’ button. Continue reading “Live chat : Right place, right time customer service.”
Live chat – Helps when customer need it.
Live chat means that the client can shop and get all their concerns answered painlessly. If there is a visitor at your site and he is not able to get his simple question answered, he would prefer to quit your site and try to find the same product or service at your competitor’s site. Continue reading “Live chat – Helps when customer need it.”
Live chat customer service
One of the key benefits of live chat is that they are very much there at your website and that also when your customers need it at the most. Today the eCommerce is growing at a rapid pace and the retailers are also witnessing a shift in the majority of sales taking place online rather than offline. Continue reading “Live chat customer service”
Live chat customer service benefits.
Adding live chat at your website will allow you to decrease the customer service response time and also increase the customer satisfaction. However there are majority of companies still who fail to extract the maximum potential of their website to provide the desired information to the customers at the very instant. Continue reading “Live chat customer service benefits.”