The customer is always right- True or false?


A couple of cliches have been ruling the customer service domain for quite a long time now. One that’s said and heard most often is- The customer is always right. With a majority of the businesses moving towards customer centricity, going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations is quite obvious. However, taking all this to an extent where the business’s growth is at stake is not at all advisable. So, the mindsets of the business owners need to rise above all these cliches or else the business is bound to face the obvious consequences. Here’s all that can go wrong when following the norm that a customer is always right:

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That’s how you win your customers for life!

Customers for life

Businesses won’t exist without customers. Customers are undoubtedly the backbone of any business and that’s exactly what the majority of business owners believe in today! As a matter of fact, when customer relationships are valued more than the sales and profits, loyalty and retention are sure to be driven in automatically. Here are a few tips for improving customer service:

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Here’s why social media listening is significant for your business


Social media listening is the process of keeping an eye on what’s being said about a brand/business/company on social media platforms. With the customers being more empowered than ever today, word of mouth is the most influential form of marketing. So, monitoring what kind of perspective the customers’ have regarding a brand is very important to thrive in today’s competitive market. Read on to know the significance of social media listening:

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Let’s get to know the latest trends in customer service

Customer service trends

With the increasing awareness of customers these days, most of the businesses are determined to provide a customer-centric service. Customers today are smarter than ever and very well know how to get things done. So, the success of any business today, irrespective of its size, mainly lies on the type of customer service it provides. Keeping up with the latest industrial and customer service trends is the need of the hour. Have a look at the latest ones:

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How to make the most out of customer testimonials?

Customer testimonials

The most powerful tool that a business can possess today in this highly competitive world is ‘WOM’. However, a lot of effort goes into gaining loyal customers who would be a source of WOM marketing. Once a business gains a loyal customer base, customer testimonials and feedback can then be collected and used in the most appropriate way, so as to make the most out of them. Here are the best ways of doing so:

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What it requires to take the business credibility to a new level

Business credibility

Customers today, have grown smarter than ever. That’s the reason why businesses strive to go beyond their limits to keep the customers happy. Sky high customer expectations and a competitive market make it really important for the businesses to take steps to stand out from the crowd and there are a number of ways for doing so. Building business’s credibility is one of the best ways of all. Let’s see how credibility can be effectively boosted:

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Keep your business afresh in people’s mind during offseasons!


For the businesses all over the world, there’s a pattern that depicts the highest and the lowest profits. Wisdom lies in figuring out how your business changes with each season. This is mandatory and can be applied to the existing marketing strategy so as to grow the whole year round. Deploying clever tactics to be in business even when your seasonal business is supposed to hibernate can help with the same. Here’s how it can be done.

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Killer customer acquisition tips for startups

Customer acquisition

It has always been said that customer retention is more beneficial than customer acquisition. But that’s the case with the businesses who have already acquired a considerable amount of customers. What about the startups? Well, they obviously need to invest in customer acquisition. However, just doing it blindly won’t help. Smart work can prove to be fruitful in this case. Wondering what smart work means here? Read on:

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Here’s how you can reduce customer churn effectively

Customer churn

What is customer churn? Well, for any business, it’s no less than a nightmare. Churn rate basically shows how your business is doing with keeping customers by your side. Customer churn may be caused due to inadequate product quality or lack of support or absence of credibility of the business and other such factors. The reasons for customer churn are numerous but the solution to this problem is just one- customer retention! Here are some of the most effective tips for retaining your customers:

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How to convert customers into brand ambassadors for your business

Business brand ambassadors

The most successful businesses today are the ones with the most loyal kind of customers. This is because when a business has loyal customers, it has a source of word of mouth marketing which is the most powerful marketing tool in today’s era. When the customers contribute towards word of mouth marketing, they may be considered as brand ambassadors. However, it requires quite a lot of efforts to turn customers into brand ambassadors. Here’s all that can help with the same:

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Customer service tips that make your customers feel valued

Customer service

A business can’t exist without customers. It’s imperative that each and every customer is nurtured through the smallest possible gestures. Businesses should strive to go above and beyond to deliver just that perfect blend of appreciation that makes its customers feel values. In this article, we have listed the best possible customer service tips for achieving the same:

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Here’s how communication can effectively benefit your business

Communication in business

Communication is the major factor that decides the quality of a relationship. Especially when it comes to businesses and customers, communication goes far beyond just defining the relationship between the two. It has got to do with various aspects related to the business. Read on to know what all communication can do for a business:

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Here’s why you should consider a live chat and CRM integration

Live chat and CRM integration

A CRM system helps manage the relationship between a business and its customers so as to help the business grow. It actually helps organize the data collected through the interactions between the customers and agents. In addition to this, a CRM also allows tracking the history of all such interactions, whenever needed. And this does not end here! Integrating the CRM system with a live chat service further adds to the efficiency of a CRM. Read on to know how:

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Still think you don’t need live chat for your website?

Live chat

So, you still think your business can thrive without a live chat service today? Well, if that’s what’s on your mind, you need think again! The most successful businesses today are the ones that value their customers and be there to assist them every hour of the day. And that’s possible due to a live chat service. Apart from providing 24×7 assistance, live chat contributes towards increased sales, loyal customers, brand recognition, lead generation and more. And it does not end here, read on to know why you really want this powerful technology for your business.

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Here’s why you need to install a live chat software on your blog

Live chat for blog

Going above and beyond to please the customers is something that most of the businesses today strive to do. This is because customer satisfaction is the most important metric that defines a business’s success today. Also, there are a number of ways that can help achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. Setting aside all the mainstream methods, here’s a new way of doing so: offering a live chat platform on your blog. Want to know how it helps? Read on:

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