Live chat provides many benefits and it does improves the site performance. It does provides excellent customer support, addressing to customer needs in real time. It also provides : increase conversions, customer service and lead generation. Continue reading “Live chat – Lead generation”
Decrease shopping cart abandonment using chat invitations
There is a great sales platform established by you. You have got all your fabulous products and services beautifully displayed that provokes the customer’s passion and interests. The platform is also performing as you thought, except for one concern, that you are losing your customers as a result of cart abandonment. Continue reading “Decrease shopping cart abandonment using chat invitations”
Here’s why you should opt for a mobile-friendly live chat?
It has long been said that today’s customers have a very short attention span and even smaller level of patience. Also, with the growing usage of mobile devices, it’s no brainer that most of them are likely to access the internet through mobile devices. Now, if the websites are not mobile friendly in the first place, it’s a loss for the respective businesses. Next, if the websites are mobile friendly, and they offer a live chat service that’s not mobile friendly, it won’t be as fruitful as expected. A mobile-friendly chat is what the mobile users require today to resolve their queries on the go and be confident enough to do business with the respective websites. Here’s what all a mobile-friendly chat can do for an e-commerce website:
Continue reading “Here’s why you should opt for a mobile-friendly live chat?”