All that may make the online shoppers frown upon your brand

Online shoppers

This is an era of digitization. Today, you can find everything from a newspaper to books to apparels online. You don’t need to hop stores to purchase something that you require. You just need to browse and click and that’s it! Though online shoppers experience convenience with the help of online shopping, there are a number of difficulties they have to face. Here’s a list of the most common -problems that simply piss the online customers off:

Continue reading “All that may make the online shoppers frown upon your brand”

Top 6 problems that may drive the online shoppers away

online shoppers

This is an era of digitization. You can find everything from a newspaper to books to apparels online. There is no need to hop stores to purchase something that you require. You just need to browse and click and that’s it! Though online shoppers experience convenience with the help of online shopping, there are a number of difficulties they have to face:

Continue reading “Top 6 problems that may drive the online shoppers away”