Some very interesting data have been revealed recently at live chat in the US and the UK. With, more and more clients being given the option of speaking to customers support representatives in real time during the purchase process, it is interesting to find out that are the prospective shoppers interested to chat? Continue reading “Live chat is the best practice.”
Live chat increases sales
Just like in a real shop, you have more probability to convert a prospect into a customer if you approach them and offer help, online is no more different. Live chat is there to bridge the gap between the real life shop and on line shopping and ensures that a customer feels valued and that they have confidence in your business. Continue reading “Live chat increases sales”
Live chat for customer service.
Businesses are engaging more and more customers through online channels. Hence they also require to fully support their online customers experience and also provide them with quality online support. Live chat is proving to be a great tool for online customer support in addition to phone, email, self-service and video customer channels. It leads to happier customers, increase in sales and also a reduction in the service costs. Continue reading “Live chat for customer service.”