Today each and every business is basically having an on line presence. Having an on line presence with an awesome website not only entice your potential customers but it also act as a gateway for business associates,investors and even employees. So despite your product has a sale on line or not, having a website simply augments your business. Continue reading “Make Your Customer Feel Valuable With Live Chat Agent”
The best tips to handle support tickets faster than ever
A support ticket is commonly used in an organization’s customer support center to create, update, and resolve reported customer issues, or even issues reported by that organization’s other employees. Generally, staff receiving a query from a user would fill out a small card with the user’s details and a brief summary of the request and place it on a list of pending queries for an appropriate person. Support tickets help resolve queries that are impossible to handle in a single attempt. Since it eventually affects customer satisfaction, so, the entire process needs to be speedy. Here are some useful tips that can help speed up the entire process:
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Here’s how you enable a small customer support team to respond faster
With the ever-increasing customer expectations, it becomes quite difficult for the small customer support teams to live up to customer’s expectations. With all the customers’ queries and complaints flooding in through different channels, providing timely responses becomes a daunting task. However, even the smaller teams can provide the expected level of service using the following strategies:
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Proactive customer support: All you need to know about it today
In a typical situation, customer queries are addressed when they arise. Though an instant query resolution would make them happy this reactive approach may not provide you with the desired customer satisfaction level. So, a better option for an inflated customer contentment rate is the “proactive approach”.Now, what exactly is a proactive approach? Well, it means, you solve problems before customers have to call you. With a proactive customer support, you can solve customer queries even before they become aware of them. Let’s see how you can accomplish this highly efficacious strategy.
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Cross-media queuing and its components
The term “Cross-media queuing” refers to a call center methodology in which all incoming messages, be it a phone call, an e-mail, fax, interactive voice response (IVR) message, website submission or an instant message, is routed in the same way. As per a resource, Intel provided a whitepaper which states that the cross-media queuing application needs five components. Cross-media queuing is achieved with the help of technology tools that help in creating a queue engine, media interaction modules, agent application modules, configuration and administration modules and a statistical and reporting module.
The specified components and their functions have been described in detail below:
1.A queue engine:
The cross-media queuing requires a queue engine to act as a central coordination point. A system manager configures business rules. This coordination point negotiates all interactions with customers based upon these business rules.
2. Media interaction modules:
Customer queries may be received through a number of channels. In order to accept incoming customer queries from media channels and send the queries to agent applications as directed by the queue engine, media interaction modules are needed.
3. Agent application modules:
Customer queries arrive every now and then at call center agents’ desktops. Therefore, in order to enable automatic management of these queries, agent application modules are needed. The modules could be built by the system developers. Agent application modules can even be modified to be integrated into specific desktop applications.
5. Configuration and administration modules:
Configuration and administration modules are the ones that system administrators can use to establish business rules for routing media configure and manage queuing features.
6. Statistics and reporting module:
This type of module is required for recording and reporting purpose in a cross-media queuing system. A statistics and reporting module records and reports upon the flow of communication. It also lets you measure the system’s performance and record it as well.
How to leverage PPC for lead generation: III
1. Resolve all your consumers’ queries:
Most of the questions of consumers are born from their uncertainty of availing of your product. Their inquiries include everything including your prices, difficulty in setting your products up and other sorts of queries. Make it a point to answer all these questions right away even before the questions or objections have been cast out. Side by side an F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) list will exempt any doubt or objection they may have that is hindering them to sign up as a business lead or a customer. When you offer a particular brand, product or service, you should expect consumers to throw all sorts of questions or even objections regarding your offerings.
2. Track your lead generation efforts:
Make use of conversion tools offered by different providers to track the conversion rates of your lead generation efforts via PPC. As a matter of fact, if you don’t track your conversions you won’t get the clear picture of your lead generation campaign and that can be harmful to your business. You can employ conversion tools offered by various providers including major PPC networks like Google Adwords and Facebook Advertising which offer conversion tools of their own to help you track your lead generation efforts.
3. Provide 24/7 assistance to the consumers:
By putting in a contact number or providing a live chat facility you can help dispel any doubts or apprehension your visitors may have about your product or service after clicking on your PPC Ad. Also, it helps people are find ways to distinguish the real service providers from those who are not and contacting them directly through phone or live chat. Convincing your visitors that you will be there for them whenever they need your assistance deepens their trust in you, thus, making it beneficial for you.
4. Show gratitude through a Thank You page:
Once all your required transactions have been completed, you may lead your visitors to the thank you page. This page can be utilized to:
i) increase brand awareness. to upsell other products or lead them to your social network group or community
ii) upsell other products
iii) lead them to your social network group or community
Tips for an effective online chat: I
These days customers are increasingly using live chat as a communication channel to interact with websites to get instant help in case of any queries. Here are some tips to leverage online chat in order to reassure lead nurturing:
1. Offer a copy of the transcript to the customers:
Customers contact the live chat agents so that their queries are resolved instantly. The whole chat process provides them with valuable information. But, most people don’t record every conversation so this information can get lost or can be rendered futile. So, provide your customers with transcripts at the end of live chat sessions.
2. Include chat button in email campaigns:
This feature allows your customers to provide direct feedback on questions they may have regarding the email they’ve received from you. Emails could be anything from periodic newsletters or follow-ups to individual questions or grievances and embedded chat button along with it provides an ease of instant query resolution.
3. Provide chat agents with previous chat transcripts:
Providing your chat agents with a chat history for returning visitors allows the agents to come up to speed on issues that the customer discussed previously, and to proactively follow up with any questions. This will hasten up the live chat process and customers will appreciate the fact that they don’t have to repeat their previous problems to newly assigned chat agents.
4. Initiate an automatic response:
The only way to guarantee a quick response is to accept all incoming chats immediately. Once a customer initiates a chat session, the system should accept the chat automatically and convince the customer that a chat agent will respond shortly. Pre-canned messages can be used to welcome the customer and let him know that action is taking place immediately.
5. Inculcate pre-chat survey forms:
Pre- chat survey forms allow customers to set the direction of the conversation. They include questions that allow your chat agents the necessary background so they can provide a quick and courteous answer. The pre-chat survey forms also allow you to quickly route the chat session to the agents who are most qualified to handle the respective conversations.
All you need to know about customer support
Customer support is termed as a series of customer services offered to assist customers in making cost effective and correct use of a product. It includes assistance right from the initial stage of planning and installation, training, troubleshooting, maintenance, upgrading up to the disposal of a product.
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