Benefits of live chat

Live chat as we all know is an extraordinary customer service support tool. It enhances your on line shopping expedition. It provides immediate assistance to your queries and guides you through your entire shopping excursion. It s there right at the moment when you are the website till you have made a purchase and exiting from the page. Continue reading “Benefits of live chat”

Growth of live chat

According to the recent studies and surveys made it has been clear that live chat has seen significant growth across th US and UK. More than 65% of American on line shoppers have been engaged in live chat which has seen a rise from 50.4% during 2009. This figure is comparatively low in the UK but still has accelerated to 53% from 41% last in 2011. Continue reading “Growth of live chat”

What does live chat means for your customers?

Live chat is supposed to be the easiest, most economical and the most popular services on the web. Now the simple question that arises is ‘what does live chat basically means for your customers?’ from the point of view of a business owner you need to be able to decipher live chat conversations into perceptible sales. Live chat is one just another way to do so. Continue reading “What does live chat means for your customers?”