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24/7 customer support

Why to go for live chat?

By lcasite

September 08, 2024

Today the expectation of customer service of the consumer has risen by leaps and bounds. The conventional methods of customer support via telephone and email have become the default standards for most of the businesses.

Now to differentiate your business and escalate the customer experience, it becomes of vital importance to give your customer access to on-demand support.

The question arises how can you make sure that your customer needs are getting addressed as quickly as possible?

With live chat you can win the battle. It may sound complicated to install and manage but just believe, having live chat at your site has never been so easy and effective.

Live Chat Satisfaction

With live chat you also give your customer the liberty to multi task. No one is interested to spend their lunch break on hold with your company or just be tethered to the chat window waiting for your reply. With live chat the customers can simply continue with their daily chores or keep browsing as they shall be pinged when the chat agent is ready with the reply.

Live chat also provides with chat logs for transparency which can also be used as a proof of contact. When the customers are using customer support via phone, they simply do not receive any recording of the verbal conversation. However with live chat you have the option of receiving a transcription of the chat emailed at your email id. This chat transcript can be used as a reference in case any issue arises in the future.

This chat transcript can also be used by the chat agent to help repeat customers as it will save the customer from repeating their support query. The chat agent can just have a look at the previous chat and carry on with the conversation.

Live chat provides great satisfaction to the customer.


For live chat contact us